
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

To Ombre Or Not...

Ever heard of Ombre? Me either. Not until Pinterest, of course.
Want to hear a funny story?

Over the past few months I have been getting major compliments on my hair because of this "ombre" look that I am pulling off. Little does everyone know....

My ombre, via LAZINESS. 

How did this happen? Well, I had dyed my whole head a solid golden brown November 2011.

It's kind of fun, huh? I really liked it, but once the roots came it, they came fast and so I touched up once and then said the next time I would go solid again. (PS-This hair style literally eliminated the "Where are you from? Mexico?" comments that I received often at BYU-I. Who do people think they are to ask me whatever the heck they want? I actually looked more Caucasian with this hair style. My goodness.)

Moving on...when I got in town to get, you know, married, I had to dye it. We dyed it a solid dark brown which of course looked black. It's a curse and a blessing. Sometimes I love my hair dark and other times I don't. So for the wedding, my hair looked fairly close to my natural hair color.

Only about 2 months later, it started fading, fast. It started out as nasty looking roots (hence wearing a pony-tail and then faded into this ombre. The husband loves it, so it grew on me. It's only been the last few months, almost a year later, that I have been getting major compliments. Don't get me wrong, it's great. I am "in style" without having to dish the out big bucks to get it done but I feel conflicted on whether to keep it.

Ombre is in style, right?

Source: via Carey on Pinterest

Source: via Anna on Pinterest

So, now what? I need help.

Do I grow is out and then cut it off and get to my natural color? (This would take 2 years.) 

Keep it and color it once it looks really awkward.

Dye a solid brown.

Dye a solid deep red? (The husband doesn't love this idea.) 

TONS OF OPTIONS! See my hair board on Pinterest to see what I like and then help me.



  1. Mallory, I LOVE the picture to the right and up, of you guys at a baseball game. Wavey and natural looking color. I had intense blond highlights all through high school and as a freshman at BYU-I - and over the years have gone natural. I'm completely natural now and like it (cheap, no maintenance, and I feel like natural is in style too?) Sometimes Stephen thinks I should color it - end result: we're never satisfied! always wanting to change or living in remorse for changing! Good luck :) My 2 cents: I like the current ombre, without trying to have it. I say leave it and go natural eventually?

  2. Keep it till it's awkward and then color it a solid dark brown! Leave it long! It's exotic and gorgeous that way. I'm not a fan of the golden brown and I'm with Nephi on the red (don't do it). Your beautiful drk brown hair is a God given gift and an asset. Accentuate it. (Who cares if people think you're a super model from Mexico. *Pshaw*)

  3. I just went in this week to Whitney to have her do my hair Ombre style because I'm loving all the ombre around. So I say keep it till it bugs you since its totally in style anyways!

  4. I am in the same position! Too funny.

  5. i loved when you chopped it right before the mission!! love how everyone posted something different...thats because you can rock anything!
