
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentines Day 2012

Valentines definitely didn't turn out the way we thought it would. Let's just say, next year will be better. But, the day ended really well and that is what matters. 

After work, Nephi and I got couples massages. The girl who I usually see worked on Nephi and I had the other girl. At the time, the extra pressure I asked for seemed nice but then I am suffering from it now. I am pretty sure I am not suppose to be this sore? We left there and Nephi was feeling blissful and I felt like I had just had an intense workout and she gave me heart-burn! It wasn't the best experience and I was honestly worried. 

So today I emailed the girl to ask her if this was normal (the usual girl I go to, not the girl who worked on me) and she was said if I wasn't use to the pressure that can happen. And then she said it could be because I'm pregnant!?! Um...pretty sure that is not why. Ugh. I am bugged. Honestly, I thought she would have me come in for free and work on me for a little bit but, nope. She hardly acted like she cared. I care so much about customer service and I am kind of tempted to not go back. But of course, I am still in the heat of the moment so I won't make any decisions, yet. 

Before we went home, we thought we would stop and get some cheesy bread from Dominos because I have been wanting to try it and hey, it's v-day. We deserve it, right? However, what we thought would be a quick 10 minutes turned into 20 and I was really bugged. But it tasted pretty good so we weren't completely dissatisfied. We had it as an appetizer as we made a late dinner together. 

Like I mentioned, we had a rough start to the day so I was very surprise and happy to see the set up below when I walked in. 

Nice work Phee-Phi...

Cheesy Bread, Beef Brisket (SOOO good! I sampled it at Sam's Club the other day and I had to get it! It was expensive but it's a huge pack and will feed us a few more meals. We just stuck it in the oven for 10 minutes and it was delicious!), chocolate dip for the strawberries (We didn't end up dipping because we got some from our couples massage. Looks like we will have to use it this weekend!), and of course potatoes for mashing and some asparagus to justify the meal. It ended up being so good!

Nephi got pretty crafty. 

Those chocolates are goooone. 

The evening turned out great! Last year I was sick on Valentines Day so I guess it is a curse that something bad will happen every year, but who knows. It turned out alright and I am so grateful for my sweet, sweet, Valentine. 

PS- I try not to vent on the blog too much on the blog but I just wanted to state my opinion on this statement: 

"Don't let Valentine's Day be an excuse to not show the ones you love how much you love them and appreciate them the other 364 days a year...." 

Sorry if I offend anyone, but I hate when people say that. It's like people are trying to guilt you out for celebrating your love with others??? Who cares. Unless you hate on every holiday (which almost all were created to essentially generate revenue) then don't hate on Valentines. Whether you have a 'lover' or not, don't spoil it for those who like it. State your opinion, but don't be so self-righteous about it! (Was that hypocritical? Ha. Oh well. I had to vent a little.)

Okay--I'm done. I think. 



  1. You two are the cutest in the world! what a good man you married! He has a cute attentive wife too.

  2. You guys are so cute! Nephi is so cute for decorating that table! So sweet of him. And that meal looks amazing. I might have to try that beef!I totally agree about the Valentine haters. I think its so annoying that people say stuff like that. I don't even go all out for V-day but I still love any excuse to celebrate and show extra love!

  3. PS. I've only had one professional massage in my life and I was so sore for days after that I've never wanted one again. Sorry it was so bad for you :/
