
Sunday, May 26, 2013

He's a Vloggin' Machine!

As you all know, Nephi is terribly talented. Like, I really hope our kids get all his talent and my eye-sight. I would be happy with that.

He's decided to record our life via video while I record via blog. He tries to keep them between 2-4 minutes  because let's be one watches those long videos anymore.

To see our recent videos, check out his channel! Subscribe and share :).

Here are a few of my favorites lately!


Ice Cream Recipe

For our wedding, we got a ice cream maker. In fact, we got 2! We returned one and have yet to touch the other one until last weekend...

I was running errands and passed by a little piece of heaven called Reed's Dairy. (All you Idahoans know what I am talking about.) I was just going to grab a chocolate milk for Nephi and a scoop of ice cream for me (naughty, I know) but then I noticed they have "Ice Cream Milk". Whaaaa? I had to get it because Nephi recently commissioned me to use the ice cream maker--fine, if you make me!

It was delicious! I threw my ice cream bowl in the freezer for 1 day and then on Sunday we had friends over (had a Costa Vida type of dinner) and we took the bowl out, poured the milk in, and pressed "on" for 20 minutes and viola! Incredible ice cream.

My Mom (the best cook I know) makes fried ice cream and I had it when in AZ and have been craving it ever since! I made a modified version but I just wanted to share.

Easy Fried Ice Cream

2 Cups of Rice Krispie cereal 
2-3 tablespoons of brown sugar
2-3 tablespoons of butter

Melt the butter, then add the brown sugar and stir. Slowly add in the cereal and mix until it is evenly coated. Sprinkle on your ice cream and enjoy! 

We added some pecans, chocolate chips, and strawberries on the side (I basically grabbed whatever I had in our fridge that would go good with ice cream). Easy peezy! Here is a more detailed recipe if you are interested in taking more time. 


Weightloss Update

In January, I posted about my weightloss journey and guess what...I am still going! With travelling and all the stress from work, I admit I am farther behind than planned. It's discouraging but then I remember that I am on my own time clock, no one else's. I am competing against myself, no one else. {That is how I survive the daily pressure I put on myself.}

I haven't lost very much "poundage" but I am almost at 40 lbs lost since I started last year. My goal is to hit 60 lbs total lost by August! I have, however, lost inches and made incredible strides in my durability and strength. Thank goodness for a good husband to remind me that it's not just about the numbers...

February 2012 vs. April 2013

July 2012 vs. May 2013

Here's to continued accountability! 


Darkness before the Dawn

As the old proverb goes, "It's always darkest before the dawn."


Convention 2013--the biggest event of the year is now over! Months of prep (my prep started in November) and it's actually over. I am still pinching myself!

The event was down in SLC. We arrived on a Sunday and didn't stop till the next Sunday. My responsibilities included the logistics behind all our breakout sessions (workshops), the Convention Guide Book, and one of our events within the event.

My load was heaviest leading up to the event. My the month leading up to the event was the worst. I never left the office before 8 PM and most nights I was there till 10 PM or later. I can say it was one of the hardest things I have ever done but things on site at the event went SO well and I was so grateful for all the extra time I spent finessing and obsessing over my projects. I learned so much and I will do better next year!

I had 2 radios and all sort of gadgets during the workshops to  put out all the fires. My pants were sagging from the weight! Getting used to an ear piece wasn't easy ever but boy was I grateful for those walkie-talkies! 

Saturday night was a late night. We had the awards banquet where we had to get all fancy and get our hair and make-up done. I had to take this picture in the morning as my "event hang-over" photo. Classic.
And the dawn?...


To keep my sanity, I booked a flight home for a few days after the event. I flew out Sunday morning out of SLC and spent a few days with my family in AZ--it was a DREAM! Even though I left Nephi at home, it was a blast and exactly what I needed. There is no better therapy than spending time with my family. They make me so happy! 

We shopped, ate, I got to see my best friend, got a pedicure and a massage--it was perfect. Not everyone was home but I still loved every minute. I loved seeing my parents especially...I miss them more and more every day! They are always begging us to come visit and making sacrifices to see us. They are the best.

The highlight of my week?! This baby girl! 

She makes me SO happy! I miss her like crazy. She is walking and has so much personality. I feel sick thinking of her growing up without us being close to her. I was so grateful that I got to spend so much time with this phone loving, cheese eating, snow cone stealing niece of mine!

I also got my hair done! I love it. It has red in it now and it is the perfect color for me! I even cut it a little shorter...think I will keep it short for the rest of the year. I have had so many compliments since I cut it in January. People don't realize that I have always had short hair until the last few years--this is my normal look! I guess it fits me and it is easier to work with. I try not to make it look too "Utah Mom poofish" <my biggest concession with short hair>.

And I need a new phone case.


Annual Second Chance Prom!

See: Second Chance Prom 2012

Second Chance Prom 2013

As always, it's a pleasure to spend time with the Henderson's!

See the vlog below to check out our super cool dance moves, or check it out 2013 here! And 2012 here!


2nd Anniversary

2 years down...

April 14, 2011

Eternity to go!

I don't think I need to blog to explain how much I love Nephi--I think everyone knows :) 

We had a very relaxed anniversary because of the craziness of ending a semester and me prepping for the biggest event of the year. Oh, and Nephi got a root canal. Happy Anniversary to us. 

We went to dinner Saturday night, I made Nephi breakfast the next morning, and then we went to church. 

We didn't really do "gifts" but I made this video for Nephi. In fact, Nephi ended up helping me with it at the end because I couldn't figure something out! Of course. 

Take a look below or check it out here




In April we had the opportunity to go to the Jazz game with my team at work. One of the girls from my team couldn't make it so my boss asked if I wanted to bring Nephi and of course we said YES! Nephi skipped school, we worked until 2, and then hit the road to SLC! These weren't your normal "nose bleed" seats...these were COURTSIDE. Meaning, we were literally on the court. Watching the game. Smelling the sweat. My seat was right next to the huddle. I basically heard everything. We saw butts get slapped and everything--it was amazing.

We started off with a dinner (Hummer Club tickets, if anyone is familiar with that). It was a gourmet buffet and we had our special table that the CEO and whoever he brings with him sits. Apparently they drink Diet Coke because the waiter came up and said, "The usual? Diet Cokes?" Ha! At half time, we switched seats (1 row above the floor) so we got to be on  the side they were shooting the whole time. We also got to go to a room full of free snacks. Popcorn, nachos, TONS of candy, ice cream bars, soda fountain, etc. I don't think I have ever seen Nephi so happy. He was SO giddy the whole time! This was literally one of his "bucket list" items and it was a dream for him to go. It was so much fun! 

Before we left for the game, we had kind of a funny/typical mishap. 
Check out the vlog for deatils! Or watch below!
