
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Marriage Can

When I was in Young Women's, they had us create a can, almost like a time capsule, of what we want our wedding to be like. I don't remember if I was allowed to open it before or after I got married but I opened it a few months ago and was shocked at what I wanted my wedding to be like! 

The can consisted of pictures of cakes, rings, dresses, flowers, and colors that I wanted at my wedding. It looks like I wanted an all white wedding with a tall cake and red roses. As far as the ring when, I had a few different types in there so I was obviously unsure. Ha. 

It also consisted of a list of 10 things I hope to do before I get married. If you can't read this well enough, here is the list:

And I quote...

1. Be fit & skinny (work out) PERFECT TEETH. Um, half true. I got braces. 
2. Save a lot of money. Nephi and I both worked full-time before we got married and had plenty.
3. Get into BYU (have a major). Close...BYU-I and I did have a major picked out/
4. Take scrapbooking classes. Um, never. I learned Photography and Photoshop instead.
5. White water rafting! :) I'm going this summer!
6. Convert someone to the church. Mission...hello! 
7. Get married in I guess I didn't finish this sentence...??
8. Meet and hangout with a movie star or athlete. Met a handful of both. 
9. Go to Australia or Africa to do service!! Not, yet. But Nephi has had the same goal.
10. Own a car. Yep, yep. Thanks to great, great, parents.

One thing about this list still remains true---I am a goal setter and list maker. Although all these things didn't happen, I still feel very accomplished in my life. 

Lately I have been reflecting on how this stage of our life is limited. No longer being a student is great, but I am grateful that Nephi still is. It keeps us humble, focused, and selfless. We have to work as a team, serve each other, and make sacrifices. It's a great stage to be in, even though I complain that we don't have weekends together, I love our life together. 


PS- There was one more thing in the can...We were suppose to write a letter to our "future spouse"...I opened the can when my parents were in town and we were all sitting around the living room. I started reading the letter and I was laughing along the way and suddenly noticed that I got pretty specific on who I was writing the letter to...I abruptly stopped. They looked at my confused and said, "Was that it?" I nodded and my face started getting warm. They kind of look confused but I could tell they didn't think much of it. 

A few minutes later, I busted out laughing and read the last line of the letter which said I love you to the boy I was dating at the time. WOAH! What a dreamer I was. All of you who went to high school with me know who this boy was....aren't you glad we didn't get married?! I sure am!


  1. this is hilarious! what a fun find! I think you are fit and skinny. and a letter to the future spouse....haha to awesome. I want to make my kids do that!

  2. hahahah oh good ol' high school dreamin'! so funny bc i have a letter too that i wrote in young womens and it describes someone else perfectly! good laughs!

  3. hahah Mal that is hilarious! I love it!!! Yes I remember doing this too, I think we did it at girls camp though ahha!

  4. I totally opened my can right before I got married and loved it too!!! One of my favorite YW activities. And YES I am so glad you guys didn't get married! I don't even know Nephi, but I love him for you!

  5. Hahah I love this because right before we moved I found a list titled "Qualities of My Future Spouse" and one of them was that he was brown.... haha gotta love high school dreams! I love how things work out the way they are supposed to instead of how we think they are! At least Justin met the legit qualities I had written :)
