
Friday, November 4, 2011

Today, Miracles Happened!

Today, miracles happened.

After 3 months, our financial aid came in. It could not have come at a greater time! Seriously. I was in shock. I still am in shock. My life feels so much better!

Currently, for one of my classes we are working on budgeting. My assignment for Monday is to create a budget for November based on the money that I was tracking that we spent throughout the whole month of October. It is crazy to see how much money you spend and what you spend it on. Lesson, learned! (I am sure this will not be the last.)

First, fill out this net worth statement to find out how much you are worth. (Download it and fill it out.)

Then, keep track of your expenses each week for the next month to find out how much money you are spending in a month. (Download it and fill it out. Erase the existing items. They are just filler examples.)

And finally, complete a monthly budget from the information that you learned about your monthly spending. 

Try it out.



  1. So cool i totally want to do it. i'm kind of scared to find out how much i spend though...and i guess i would have to count my chocolate fixes, bc there are many! ha!

  2. So happy for you :) Glad everything worked out!
