
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

He's A Quarter of a Century

On Sunday, we threw a little birthday bash for Phe-Phi (fee-fi). I decided to make the theme "Quarter of a Century". A hour before the party started, my oven literally exploded! I was throwing in some dinner for Nephi and I and his parents so we could eat before the party and I had water boiling and the oven on and then I heard this huge noise. It was almost like a radio frequency sound but very very loud and it kept going. I was standing at the counter, right in front of the oven, so I looked to the side and then turned around and saw the oven and it was NEON orange!!! I screamed and it started sparking so I ran out of the kitchen and started yelling Nephi's name and he was vacuuming so he threw down the vacuum and ran over. He turned off the oven, avoiding the sparks, and opened the oven. Smoke came out as he opened it but it was not on fire. The element inside of the oven exploded! Here is what it looked like...

I was freaking out because I was running behind and I have to use the oven to cook the brownie's, apple crisp and meatballs! I called our landlord, who is awesome, and she reminded us that we could use the upstairs oven because it is currently vacant. So, I used upstairs oven which was awesome because I didn't have to cook in our apartment and make it smell. It put me a little behind and but we ended up getting everything done just in time, thanks to my good friends Jordan and J who saved me! They are amazing.

So, here are some pictures from the party! (They are not edited and I took them with my simple point and shoot camera so they aren't the best.)

Appetizers: Turkey Meatballs, Cheesy Bean Dip with Tortilla Chips, Veggies and Dip and Wheat Tortilla Roll-ups (chive cream cheese and swiss cheese).

Desserts: Homemade Hot Chocolate and dipping sticks, Apple Crisp, Cream Puffs, Brownie Bites with whipped cream and raspberries and cookies that a friend brought.

I made this cute sign and put it next to our piggy bank! Notice all the nasty dishes in the sink? Tacky? Nah. 

These turkey meatballs were a hit! They went so fast...I should have made more!

We don't have a lot of space to sit so we set up chairs around the room and put a football game on and that kept people entertained. 

We ended up having a lot of people show up! It was really fun.

We got a little ghetto with the hanging quarters and used dental floss. It was creative, right?

So that was the party! I am really glad we did it on a Sunday and basically our apartment still looks the same because we haven't cleaned a thing since. Good thing I am done with classes this afternoon!

Tonight for Nephi's birthday we are going to dinner (after I take and 'pass' my econ exam) and then coming home and eating cake, opening presents and then the greatest gift, sleeping in Wednesday morning :)


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