
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Short Saturday

Do you ever feel like Saturday's are not long enough? That is how my Saturday went.

Nephi went to work at 8, I woke up and played on my phone in bed for a little bit then fell back asleep for 2 hours--guess I needed it. Woke up, ate breakfast, then headed to the gym. Did about an hour workout and then went into work for a little bit. I ended up staying longer than I planned (typical) and by the time I dropped lunch off to Nephi, I had to race home to clean and get ready before my friend came over.

Saturday night my good friend Riana came over for a girls night. She "zoned" me, because she is currently getting certified. It was great. Only got 1 foot done but my usual girl had a baby so I haven't been zoned since November and was in desperate need. Even though we only got 1 foot done, I feel SO much better. I'm a huge believer.

Then we headed off to dinner and then went to go see "The Impossible". Geeze that movie is a tear jerker. I saw it with some girlfriends last weekend too and I was nervous to see it again because it stressed me out but it was much better the second time knowing what was going to happen. This time, someone in our theater passed out! It happened right after this graphic scene and was so crazy. Suddenly we heard, "Can someone help us!?" And I look back and someone is running down the stairs and this lady is holding someone's legs in the air! I guess there was a nurse and she hopped over a few rows to help. I ran down to check on someone coming and by the time we got back in, she was fine. Needless to say, they left. Ha. It did make me realize how graphic the movie is.

If you have a weak stomach, don't see it. Also, if you are prone to seizures or get motion sickness, it may be a little rough. I did fine but there were some parts where I turned my head. But it is honestly a beautiful story. It made me realize the reality of have children to watch after and then love that a family can have. And, I want 3 cute boys like the boys in the movie. They were adorable. Anyway--you have to see it. But don't pass out.

Here is a little inspiration for the week...

Source: via Mallory on Pinterest

I don't know why this resonated with me but it did. Here's to another week!


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