Good news: We got to move up with the class!
Bad news: They took 2 kids out of our class :(
We were SUPER bummed about it. We told them that they could sneak in our class but then the first day we looked over and they were smiling and talking with the teacher. What!? They just moved on. I was a little heart broken until I saw 'P' in the hall later and she yelled my name and came running to me and gave me a hug. It made my day.
And then 'A' was sitting a few rows in front of us today at Stake Conference and kept turning around and looking at us. She eventually held up a piece of paper that said "I (heart shape) U". It was the sweetest!
One of the branches in our stake is now combining with our primary so we have a few kids from that group and let me tell you, it is going to be an adventure.
Stay tuned!

I love these post! And You freakin look amazing!! Good Job Mal!!!