
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Short Saturday

Do you ever feel like Saturday's are not long enough? That is how my Saturday went.

Nephi went to work at 8, I woke up and played on my phone in bed for a little bit then fell back asleep for 2 hours--guess I needed it. Woke up, ate breakfast, then headed to the gym. Did about an hour workout and then went into work for a little bit. I ended up staying longer than I planned (typical) and by the time I dropped lunch off to Nephi, I had to race home to clean and get ready before my friend came over.

Saturday night my good friend Riana came over for a girls night. She "zoned" me, because she is currently getting certified. It was great. Only got 1 foot done but my usual girl had a baby so I haven't been zoned since November and was in desperate need. Even though we only got 1 foot done, I feel SO much better. I'm a huge believer.

Then we headed off to dinner and then went to go see "The Impossible". Geeze that movie is a tear jerker. I saw it with some girlfriends last weekend too and I was nervous to see it again because it stressed me out but it was much better the second time knowing what was going to happen. This time, someone in our theater passed out! It happened right after this graphic scene and was so crazy. Suddenly we heard, "Can someone help us!?" And I look back and someone is running down the stairs and this lady is holding someone's legs in the air! I guess there was a nurse and she hopped over a few rows to help. I ran down to check on someone coming and by the time we got back in, she was fine. Needless to say, they left. Ha. It did make me realize how graphic the movie is.

If you have a weak stomach, don't see it. Also, if you are prone to seizures or get motion sickness, it may be a little rough. I did fine but there were some parts where I turned my head. But it is honestly a beautiful story. It made me realize the reality of have children to watch after and then love that a family can have. And, I want 3 cute boys like the boys in the movie. They were adorable. Anyway--you have to see it. But don't pass out.

Here is a little inspiration for the week...

Source: via Mallory on Pinterest

I don't know why this resonated with me but it did. Here's to another week!


Mouth of Babes 1/27/13

And the adventures continue! We had a small class today but it was one of those days where I looked at the kids and could tell they are getting smarter. They did a great job at answering the questions and were pretty disciplined.


K: Ah...all were have is boring adult toothpaste at my house.
(5 minutes later, another girl turns to Nephi..)
C: Brother Guymon, my Mom bought us pink princess toothpaste at my house.


(Nephi was at the chalkboard drawing road sign shapes for the lesson.)
C: Are you drawing shapes!?
Nephi: No...
C: Brother Guymon...(sternly) That is the second time you have lied to me today.


Mallory: What if you had to get to your friends house with no one's help, how would you know how to get there?
K: Um, you would ask your Mom to drive you.
Mallory: No...she can't drive you. It's just you trying to get there by yourself. How could you figure out how to get there?
K: Well, use signs from the road with the arrows.
Mallory: Uh...(look down at my lesson)...that's actually, right... Ha!


'K' told a story for about 10 minutes straight as the kids were coloring at the end of class. Here is the gist of it...
K: I want to tell you a true story...blah, blah, blah...and it will be $100 for a new bird house, and she only had $3 left so she needed to earn some money from the bank. Yep....blah, blah, blah...Yep.
C: I don't believe any of this.
K: And then down the stairs there were a lot of stools...and a soccer ball. Yep.
C: None of that was true.

We were too tired to stop her and just laughed and asked questions throughout the story.

Any of you who teach primary have a hard time filling the whole 45 minutes with a lesson? We struggle. But we try to make good use of the time we have by not going off on tangents and always directing back to the lesson. We are making progress.

PS-This may, or may not, be Nephi's last week as my team teacher...Let's just say we got a visit from the Bishop yesterday. Stay tuned.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mouth of Babes 1-20-13

This is Nephi blogging today. It is time for the next installment of Mouth of Babes from our primary class. Today was a crazy one.  At the beginning of primary we had two new twin boys show up with their mother. These two boys were not thrilled about being in primary. They had quite a tantrum.  Their mother decided to take them home so myself and another guy helped bring the boys out to their car.  Long story short I got my workout in for the day, got kicked in the shins, punched in the face about 5 times and punched in the throat. Now it's quote time.


C: Look at my hands! ( shows me that both of his hands have a few small red marks)
Me: What happened?
C: Well... this one here I had a screwdriver and was trying to get some paint off and then BAM! Got me. And this one... I just pulled some skin off.


K: Oooh (dramatically sighing) I remember the days with sprinklers.
Me: What?
K: Yea! We had a sprinkler in our yard and we could run around in it with bananas!


(Primary leader was pointing out words that rhymed in a song)

J: I know words that rhyme.
Mallory: Oh yea?
J: Yea...Duck... and............goose?
Mallory: How about goose and moose?
J: Oh! Yea.


K: I missed you guys while I was on vacation in Idaho.
Me: Do you mean Alaska? Because we are in Idaho...
K: No... we're in Alaska. I went on vacation to Idaho.
Me: No, you went to Alaska and missed us and then came back to Idaho.
K: I know, that's what I said. I missed you while I was in Alaska.
Me: .......thank you.


(I started singing with in a British accent to one of the songs)

K: (looks at me and laughs for a second then suddenly stops)  Ok... Zip Zip.. aaaand Lock it.
Me: (zip zipped and locked)


K: My brother picks on me
Mallory: Oh yea? Do you pick on him?
K: No, and my sister really likes me.
Mallory: Oh so you're perfect.
K: They say I'm noisy. I'm noisy, but I'm perfect.


Well it was kind of a "K" day as you can tell. We hadn't seen her for a couple weeks so she was pretty excited to be back.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Mouth of Babes: 1/13/13

Sorry we haven't updated you on the kiddo's lately. We were out of town and then got busy and last week we got a new class!

Good news: We got to move up with the class!

Bad news: They took 2 kids out of our class :(

We were SUPER bummed about it. We told them that they could sneak in our class but then the first day we looked over and they were smiling and talking with the teacher. What!? They just moved on. I was a little heart broken until I saw 'P' in the hall later and she yelled my name and came running to me and gave me a hug. It made my day.

And then 'A' was sitting a few rows in front of us today at Stake Conference and kept turning around and looking at us. She eventually held up a piece of paper that said "I (heart shape) U". It was the sweetest!

 One of the branches in our stake is now combining with our primary so we have a few kids from that group and let me tell you, it is going to be an adventure.

Stay tuned!


If I can do it, YOU can do it!

**This is a long post.**

Over the past 6 months, I have been working hard to lose weight. In 2011 I gained a lot of unexpected weight. It was my last 2 semesters of college with 19 credits each semester, working 20-30 hours, family stress, and I was newly married. We spent a lot of time trying to find ways to cope with our new lifestyle and ended up avoiding the gym, camping out in the library, and "rewarding" ourselves with a little too much frozen yogurt. These are not excuses, this was reality. It was no one's fault but myself but after I graduated, I was determined to change.

Graduation came, my new "big girl job" started and life didn't get easier. 2012 was full of surprises and unfortunately  I gained more in the first few months. I was eating better, working out more, but not seeing results. Crisis after crisis happened and emotionally, I was tired. I needed HELP. I have lost weight on my own several times. Not just like 10lbs, but big numbers like 20-30lbs. Losing weight was not foreign to me.

In fact, as I reflect upon it, I feel like the majority of my life I have been on a diet. In 9th grade my Dad challenged us to not eat sugar for a year and he would pay us $1,000. I did it and within my first 3 months I dropped 30lbs. It wasn't until the summer after my sophomore year that I started gaining it back...then I went on another extreme diet (Jenny Craig) and lost another 30lbs. My softball and volleyball coaches were worried about how "thin" I was and my Mom thought I was showing signs of an eating disorder because she didn't see me eat as much (really I was just hanging out with my friends a lot more).

Anyway, now I am older (25) and terrified of the changes I am seeing happening to me physically and emotionally. I couldn't get the weight off fast enough and I needed help. I tried cutting sugar, cutting carbs, eating 5 small meals, not eating after 8 pm, doing a cleanse, drinking protein shakes--I tried it all. AND NOTHING. Ugh. It was embarrassing  I noticed, and I know people noticed. I was scared because I could just get on a treadmill and bust out 3 miles, but my body was too heavy to recover. I started having back problems even. Yikes.

So, I came to the realization that I couldn't do it on my own. I needed help, so I got help. I joined a program in July that provided all my meals, a meal plan and a health coach. Since then, I have lost 32 pounds. Here is a picture of me in July (left), and then now.

The picture of me in July (left) is a terrible picture. I really don't have a lot of full body shots of me because of course I think I look fat and it also makes me feel really awkward to ask someone to take a picture of me by myself, but that is what I looked like. Nephi can see a difference but honestly I haven't had too many people mention it to me. It's discouraging that certain people don't say anything but I can't depend on them to make me happy. Big shout out to my father-in-law for ALWAYS making me feel great when he would see me. It means a lot, Boyd. Thanks!

I also chopped 13+ inches off my hair! I have been wanting to do it since after we got married but always felt too fat to pull it off. Now I have a little more confidence and I am hoping it will help remind me that I can't put the weight back on! I LOVE my cut. I can make it shorter or longer, it curls great, and it's all ONE color--my natural color. It's been a while since I have had that. Ha!

The program has been a huge blessing and support. I haven't shared it with many people because again, I was embarrassed that I couldn't do it on my own. But, the results are in and I feel great and I can't be embarrassed any more because it is all uphill from here!

I struggled on the program in the beginning BIG time. I loved that it was easy, the food isn't that bad, and I still got to eat 1 normal meal a day. But, you literally cannot cheat and I did. I thought having a bite and lick here or there was fine. It's not fine. This is a lifestyle change, not just a temporary diet. I needed to hit the books, change my habits, and create my future.

Losing 32lbs was hard, but most people do it a lot faster than me. But, the nice thing is, those are solid pounds. Occasionally I will fluctuate, but most of the time when I drop a pound, I don't see it on the scale again and it feels so good! I won't share any more details about the program but if you are interested, reach out to me and I can get you more information. :)

So this is one of my resolutions! I am confronting my fears and sharing this with everyone, and I am going to stay accountable. I've been feeling brave because we have been watching the Biggest Loser and it's totally inspired me to suck it up and let it out.

I still have another 25 to go to get to my goal but I will get there! Keep me accountable!


Post-Christmas Update

The holiday's took our life by storm and we loved it! We could not have asked for a better Christmas and feel blessed and spoiled for the time and gifts we received from family and friends.

Recovery, although, has been difficult. Nephi started school and I started first quarter. The past 2 weeks have consisted of Nephi driving to Rexburg every day and being home in the evenings doing homework and me working late nights, working out (tried out crossfit and it kicked my trash) and then coming home to doing more work in bed.

The good news is that we sold the Jeep! What a relief. The guy called on Thursday night and was really interested. He said he asked the usual questions and told Nephi he may be driving down from Washington to take a look, but that he would let him know. The next day (Friday) Nephi and I were on our way out the door to dinner and someone else called about the Jeep. Suddenly I hear Nephi say, "Oh darn, I just sold it." Wait, WHAT!? I was so confused! Apparently, the guy called Nephi back on Friday and told him that he was driving through the night and to not sell it to anyone else. Sure enough, he showed up on Saturday afternoon after leaving Washington at midnight and they bought the Jeep.

He was a really nice guy and his son was with him. He asked if we were selling it because we were expecting a baby--uh, no (you better believed I sucked in my stomach a little to make it obvious that I was not pregnant). It would be his son's first car. I think that made Nephi a little emotional. After they left I was so excited and Nephi was kind of quiet. I asked him why he was being such a bum and he snapped, "Just let me mourn!" Ha! I think he was half kidding...half serious...maybe more serious than kidding. Poor kid. But you better believe we went out and celebrated!

That was such a blessing to finally sell the Jeep. It's been listed since November and I have probably been stressing about it since June. Ha. The night he called I was driving home before I found out and had a very distinct thought that I needed to put more trust in the Lord when it came to the selling the Jeep. It was a simple decision that I needed to make but I literally up until that point had chosen to stress about it. The Lord works miracles, no doubt!

We also set our New Year Resolutions. We are so excited for another year. I don't even want to do a re-cap of last year like every other person has done on their blog because I am so happy it's over. I have never been more excited to turn a page of my life more than right now. We set lofty goals but we made plans to achieve them. Growing up, my Dad would sit us down individually and make up goals with us. On January 1st, we would wake up in the morning and it would be taped up in our room for us to see for the first week. We did that this year and it's been a great reminder thus far. 

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013!


Home for the Holidays

"If you want to be happy in a million ways..."

Flew to AZ. Welcomed home with Christmas decor and bed goodies.

Went to temple lights with family and friends.

Got to know this baby and fell in love. 

Got our nails done. Stopped by QT. Did some shopping.

Ate too much. Enough said.

 Participated in Christmas traditions.

 Visited friends. Saw Les Mis with the family.

 Short trip back to Idaho. It was 48 degrees in our house.

"For the holidays - you can't beat home, sweet home."
