
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mouth of Babes 12/2

We had a smaller class today which was a relief but the lesson was: I can show love for animals.

Enough said. 

(P is on one side of me and K is on the other. I am trying to tell Nephi how many copies to get of a handout and I hear this conversation...)

K: Hey, (tapping my thigh over and over again), Hey, ummm, Hey! 
P: Don't call her "Hey"! (Sternly) Teacher....Teacher....


Bishop: (Holds up a Book of Mormon) What is in this book?
I: PAGES! (He is in the sunbeams class in front of us.)


(Nephi interviews a few of the kids asking them questions and recording it on the phone.)

Nephi: What's your favorite animal?
C: Um, a squirrel. 
Nephi: How old do you want to be when you grow up?
C: Um, 88. 
Nephi: What do you want to be with you grow up? 
C: Um, sell water softeners. 


(I would describe an animal and they would guess what animal I was describing.)

Mallory: I have a bushy tail and I love to run up trees. 
P: Umm...MORT! 
Mallory: No...
K: What's a Mort!?
P: It's a bush animal...(duh)...from Madagascar. 


(We have a little girl in our class whose parents are divorced and she comes every other week and missed a few weeks. We walked into sharing time and I welcomed her and told her we missed her.)

K: Um, what's that girls name?
(I tell her.)
K: Do you think we should have her say the prayer because she missed a few weeks? 
Mallory: Yes, sure. That is a great idea.


These kids never cease to amaze us. We are in love. 

Oh, and stay tuned for next week. We've been asked to be Joseph & Mary in the Ward Party nativity scene....Yeah, looking forward to it. 



  1. Hahahaha, these are great! Gotta love the things kids say!

  2. Hey, we got asked to be Mary and Joseph too. What are you guys doing for yours? Do you have to find your own outfits? We do and I have no idea what to do. Do you have any suggestions for us? You are so creative.

  3. So fun, Joseph and Mary! Those kids are cute!
