
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Say a little prayer for...

Say a little prayer for...

1. People in Dallas. Natural disasters are the worst. Totally out of your control. Good thing there are no fatalities as of yet.

2. People of Yahoo. Sad day when a multi-billion dollar company that played a role in starting the world wide web is laying off 2,000 people. Uh. My heart aches for anyone who is laid off. No one is safe.

3. The election. Don't get me started. Just pray, a lot.

4. My Nephi. It's finals. Enough said.

5. The Guymon's...We found an amazing place last night and just submitted an application. Let's hope there isn't some freak accident and I show up as some criminal in their search for "Mallory Smith". (Still haven't changed my name. Don't bring it up in front of Nephi. That is a sensitive subject too. You can pray that we get our marriage license in the mail sometime soon...1 year later.)

6. One last thing...pray that the pizza I ate at midnight last night won't go to my hips.

Thank you in advance. 

*Oh, and Mom, you especially need to pray.*
  {For some reason, her prayers are always answered. If you need a prayer, ask her.}

                                                                   Source: via Mallory on Pinterest



  1. For reals! We talked with Tim's sister in Dallas yesterday. She was camped out in her hallway with her kids scared to death. So scary!!! Hope you get the place you've applied for! We'll keep praying for ya!

  2. i have not change my name yet either :) no biggie :) hope you get to live in your new place! we have so much to be thankful for :)

  3. oh and tell nephi good luck on finals!

  4. Love that quote at the end. Heard it at a time when I much needed to.
