
Monday, August 1, 2011

It Rained on Our Parade

Every summer, Rexburg hosts the International Dance and Music Festival. To launch the performances this week, they had a parade down Main Street. I passed by the set up on my way home from work and immediately called Nephi and told him we had to go! So, we ate dinner and walked over.

Before we left, it started getting cloudy.(It had rained previously in the day and then cleared up) I told Nephi maybe we shouldn't bring the camera, and thought to myself that maybe we should just bring the case. "Psh,
he reassured me. So, we went.


Used money from our "piggy bank" (literally) to buy a treat at the parade.


Got a few shots of the different variety of cultures.


Loved this guy. He was so happy.


Poor Nephi. We got this mini frozen yogurt and it took forever to melt.


Sure enough, it ended up raining on this parade. We tried to wait it out while socializing with some ward members we saw, but, the rain kept coming. We put a bag over the camera, Nephi put it under his shirt, and we walked home. We were SOAKED! Bah. Oh well. It was a great memory.


  1. haha when it rains it sure does poor! i love the camel? thats what it was right?! and wow nephi looks good with some track? haha

  2. So fun to see the DF pictures! I totally helped with that at the Chamber. I like your photos too. How do you put text on them like that?
