
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Our New Roommate

Did we mention we have a new roommate? Cause we do! My baby sister, Caitlin, moved in with us 3 weeks go.

She just started online classes at BYU-Idaho and was too late to get housing so she is living with us till December and then she will move to Rexburg in January. My mom brought her up and so I had a week with her and it was a blast! We shopped, ate out, she cleaned my house, and used my sewing machine more than I did. She is the bomb. Seriously the hardest working woman I have ever known. We loved having her here and wouldn't mind adding her as a roommate ;)

(Photos from 4th of July when they last visited)

It's been fun having Caitlin living here! Nephi works nights so Caitlin and I usually go shopping, go to the gym, craft or watch Biggest Loser (We are obsessed. Netflix is heaven-sent). We also already went on a double-date and had a blast! We will see if they go out again....She got a job at Sam's Club and is taking 12 credits so she is a busy lady as well!

Since she moved in I wanted to make sure I had her room done so I had to clear out that room and that was a lot of work. I finished up the desk I was painting and still have a few things to wrap up in that room before I post pictures. I still need to do a house tour and that will happen soon. Promise.

Welcome, Cait! Happy to have you here!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So fun to read updates on your life! How fun that Caitlin is staying with you for a bit! Sounds like you've both been super busy but enjoying the new job and internship! Think about you a lot and miss you both!

  3. Mal I love your blog! So fun to "catch up" on your life. Waiting patiently for house tour pics!!
