
Sunday, September 30, 2012

In the Zone

Hi, it's Mallory. I clarify only because of this post, and, because Nephi would never blog about this.

For the past several months I have been adjusting to our new lifestyle. Work, no school, moving, getting laid off, NEW job, callings, family changes, family happenings, health issues, etc. There is no doubt that Nephi and I are blessed beyond belief. In saying that however, there is something in my brain that makes me forget that occasionally. It's weird.

So, in dealing with all of this "stress" I stopped talking. (Which is weird for me.) I had a lot of built up emotion and was terrified to enter into certain situations where I know I would get more stressed or upset by. I became over-sensitive and over analytical. This doesn't happen to any of you does it? Riiiiight.

My good friend suggest I go get "zoned". I have done natural treatments and lymphatic massages in the past so this treatment didn't scare me. Footzone is a technique used to bring the body back into homeostasis (balance). Zoning works by triggering the energy points in the feet. I read this good description about it, "Picture your feet as the keyboard and your brains as the computer without the keyboard - the computer alone does not have a lot of success." Basically, there are certain spots in your feet that you can touch that align your body, get rid of your headaches, and other physical ailments that we may not enough know we have. I have had back problems since February and have hardly had relief so she thought this would be good for that. In addition to the physical aspect, there is the emotional aspect. This has been the ultimate lifesaver for me. I started going to this lady in Rigby thinking she would solve my back problems and it turned into something much more than that...

My first "zone" was incredible. I was a little nervous and my friend told me that I can talk to her about my emotional problems but I had made up my mind before I went in there that I was NOT going to talk. Just relax and hopefully walk away with zero back pain. Eh, not so much. I balled like a baby, and left feeling light as a feather! She asked me questions when she would get to certain parts in my feet and even asked my permission to "muscle test" (picking a certain muscle to heal physically and emotionally).

Turns out something that I have been putting on the back burner not thinking it was a big deal was my ultimate stress and causing my back pain. For the first month, I went every week. I couldn't get enough! My back was improving, not as fast as I wanted, but emotionally I felt incredible. After we made a huge break though, I felt fine about going twice a month and that is what I do now. Sometimes it's not enough, like this week, but I practice the techniques she teaches me and her services are priceless! And, my back feels fine. I only feel pain when I unpack boxes all day or whatever but I don't feel it when I'm sitting at my desk at work and that is priceless.

I have also learned so much about ME and I am not ashamed to admit that this had kept me afloat during these last few months more than anything. I am happier and Nephi is happier because he can tell I made a break through. My relationships that I have struggled with are improving, well--my side of them is improving. And that is HUGE.

Even though it is hard to admit my weaknesses when I am a person who has always prided myself on being open, honest, and good at creating relationships--it has been everything to admit it. My body didn't hide what I was burying inside and it's nice to start working on it.

So, if any of my Idaho friends are interested in trying out this lady, let me know and I will pass along the information. And, for those of you who are curious, here is my "textbook" that I read to help me understand the process. It will be at all major bookstores and of course you can find it online.

Source: via Mallory on Pinterest

Source: via Mallory on Pinterest

I had to end it with a little humor ;)



  1. That's crazy! I remember my mom doing that with some lady for a while. It was pretty cool stuff from what I remember! Glad it's working out for you!

  2. I've thought about doing that. I wish you knew someone in Utah. I have been feeling that stuff a lot lately! Thank you for posting. I'm glad it's working! :)
