
Sunday, November 11, 2012

From the Mouths of Babes

Anyone know that video the church put out "From the Mouths of Babes"? My family LOVES that video and after teaching primary a few years ago for my first time, I can see why this video was made. Kids are SO funny!

We currently teach in the primary 4 year-olds that turned 5 this year. We've been in this calling since September and love it so much. We honestly look forward to going to church, and coming home exhausted. Our class started off with 4 cute girls and has evolved into 2 boys and 7 girls. We die over them. They are cute and not those snotty nose kids that you are scared to touch. If you hang out with us, then you have already heard of the kids because we always talk about them. Dear Bishop, don't release us!

Since they say so many funny things to entertain us, we thought we would share the wealth by blogging every Sunday with our very own "From the Mouth of Babes". Hope you enjoy!

K: You better watch out for my brother. He'll punch you in the face.
P: Guess what?! My Grandma is on a cruise....she has a new boyfriend.
K: Hurry up, hurry up! Cause it's fast Sunday!
K: Why is that boy crying? (Pointing at the sunbeam crying during his primary talk.)

Nephi: I don't think he likes talking in front of people.

K: I think he needs a dog.
Mallory: Alright everyone, what are you going to tell your parents you learned today?

Everyone: Read your scriptures! Go to church! Be reverent! 

K: (Raises her hand) Can I tell my parents something else? 

Mallory: Uhhhh....

P: Can I tell my parents, what's up dude!?!
D: I just need to check if the licorice is GLUTEN FREE!!
Nephi: They are going to pick me to go up there.

A: No, you're not going to get picked. You're a teacher!

Nephi: Yeah, yeah I am going to get picked.

A: NO! You're not! Your head is TOO BIG!
D: What's your name again?

Nephi: Brother Guymon

D: Oh yeah...I call you Brother Dixon.
Mallory: (Handing out candy) You get, what you get...

K: And you don't throw a fit!
(After Nephi does magic for the kids)

P: You're terrific!

Nephi: No, you're terrific!

P: Well...I am half princess, half cowgirl...
(About the watch "Finding Faith in Christ" video clip)

P: Oh, I have seen this before. It makes water come out of my eyes!

Stay tuned every Sunday for more funnies!! 


1 comment:

  1. Haha some of those made me actually lol! I love teaching primary, they're hilarious and it always surprised me how much they really knew about the gospel.
