
Monday, June 3, 2013

You know it's summer when...

You know it's summer when....

1. You lay on a blanket in the grass and take pictures of you and your cute husband.

2. You take pictures of you and your cute husband in the mirror before you go out for dinner with friends.

3. You go to the zoo with your cute pregnant friend and her sweet, sweet, boy and he wants you to get on the lion with him. 

4. You have friends over on Sunday's and culinary experiment with yummy foods. 

5. You run your first race..and are signed up for 2 more before the summer ends! {What am I thinking!?}

6. You go on walks on a weekday because you get home from work before the sun is down! {Miracles, people.}

7. You go to the batting cages to prep to play on a city softball league.

8. You leave your weights by the mirror to do your daily arm sculpt to get ready to hit the beach in August. {Cruise in the works.}

9. You spend time with your baby sister and get Sonic during happy hour. 

10. You can blog on a weekday. Whhaaa? 



  1. Summer is the best!! Love this post! You look great! How was your race, & your softball team?!??! i'm ENVYING you right now, sista! Can't wait to get back and run!

    1. The race was great and our softball team is kind of a joke but it will be fun! Thanks girl! I am envious of you being cute and pregnant...a time and a season for everything, right? You will be a momma and balancing everything, including running, soon enough!
