Yesterday I got this overwhelming urge to shop online. Don't ask why. I have never ordered clothes online.
It was so strange. So, I got some clothes online because Old Navy was having a sale. I haven't shopped there in a while because I never find anything anymore but I did and it was 30% off and Nephi said I could.
(Excuses, excuses, I know.) Am I a bad person? Probably not. But it gets worse...
Last night Nephi took his first Chemistry test of the semester. Those who know Nephi personally know his struggle with Chemistry so we were both anxious to see how this first test would set the tone for the semester. Yesterday afternoon I called him and he said his dad was in town to grocery shop randomly and that he was going to give Nephi a blessing. What a miracle! Nephi is the most calm and collected person I know but he was very anxious and the blessing was
exactly what he needed.
Boyd--You saved the day yesterday!
Nephi was studying on campus when I got home and then took his test. I was seriously biting my nails the whole time at home because I know how critical this was.
(First world problems, I know. But it means a lot to us.) I told him not to take over two hours because there has been studies showing that once you take a test over two hours you don't function as well. In economics we would call it the "Law of Diminishing Returns", but I am no longer in economics so I DON'T have to call it that.
(But I did. Psh. Education.)
Two hours and 3 min later...Nephi calls.
He got a 78%!! This is a GREAT grade and we were so happy so we decided to celebrate, of course. We tried to go to our favorite fro yo place but it was CLOSED down! We were shocked. So, we went to another place in town.
It was so good! It's been awhile since we've gotten fro yo and we loved it.
Anyway, when I said it gets worse, here comes that part of the story. On our way home from fro yo, we passed by the Downeast Warehouse sale. UH. No one told me this was happening! I've been to one of these before, and they are insane deals. So, I bought more clothes. Now am I a bad person??
Got this cutie shirt for Nephi. There were no boy clothes! It's so hard to find good clothes for men.
I got 2 cardigans and two 3/4 length layer tees for $32 total! I couldn't resist.
So, why am I blogging this? Maybe to feel less guilty or maybe to admit that I realized why I spent too much money on clothes yesterday.
It's not that it is so cold outside but I have had low energy levels this week and I think buying clothes made me feel better. I may be tired because of adjusting to work? Or because we have been working out more? Or because the weather? Not sure but I just need energy!
This next week I plan on doing more of this:
and this:
And hopefully I will have more energy.
PS-Many of you probably follow this blogger.
Read this post. I am impressed. I started following her out of curiosity and then she used to really bug me and I don't like her style at all but I appreciate her view points occasionally--especially this one.
I completely agree with her, btw. People who blog by obligation lack sincerity. I don't think that people that blog about fashion (without credentials) and try to earn a residual income are very legitimate in my book.
Personal opinion. I love the mommy bloggers that blog about their families and recipes or coupons but people who blog about what they eat everyday or what they wear and expect to get paid for it drive me
Anyways, excited for the weekend to say the least.