This event is happening 2 Saturdays in the months of February, August, September, and November. In February we hosted the event in Anaheim and Atlanta last weekend (I went to Atlanta) and this weekend it was in Cherry Hill, NJ and Minneapolis (I went to Minneapolis). We flew in on a Friday, leaving on very early flights, set up and prepped for the event, Saturday we held the event, and then flew out right after arriving back in Idaho Falls late Saturday night.
The first weekend our flights were delayed in Salt Lake so we got a rental car to drive to Idaho Falls--needless to say, getting home at 2:30 was rough. We pulled a 24 hour day! It was insane but I LOVED both trips. The hotel staff in Atlanta were a dream. They were full of "Yes, Ms. Mallory," "Yes, Ma'am", and "Certainly". And in Minneapolis, though the hotel is a little harder to work with, but we got to make a trip to the Mall of America and ended up with great attendance at the event.
Little sleep, Starbucks, hotel minni bathrooms, hauling boxes and running around the hotel in heals was work every blister. Wonderful events and wonderful company made my first on-site [with this company] event a great one!

Uhm... NUTS!!! Great jOb Mallory!!